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Attorney General Ryan Pinder Represents The Bahamas, Caribbean Region at the United Nations

August 19, 2024 Advocates for More Inclusive Decision-Making in Global Tax Policy The Bahamas Seeks to Prevent Unfair Blacklisting and to Increase Access to Innovative Financing Mechanisms....

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August 19, 2024 / Comments Off on Attorney General Ryan Pinder Represents The Bahamas, Caribbean Region at the United Nations



    AIBT is committed to representing the needs, and being the voice, of the industry and undertakes regular ongoing dialogue with key Ministers and departments of Government about matters of importance to our Members. We maintain active relationships with other industry bodies and regulators to ensure that our Members stay connected to developments on all fronts of this vital sector and that, collectively, we have a seat at the table.


    The Nassau Conference and Financial Services Bootcamp are the premier professional development events dedicated to preparing and enhancing Bahamian professionals for continued success in the industry. The annual events underscore AIBT’s ongoing commitment, as Founding Partner, to the continued development and growth of the sector and its professionals.


    It means a commitment to education at the AIBT. For the thousands of Bahamian employees of our member firms. For young Bahamians seeking advanced technical skills. For students at the College of The Bahamas. We fulfill this commitment through sponsored training programs for our member firms, our support for the Financial Community Advanced Educational Trust for Bahamians (FCATET) and our involvement with the University of The Bahamas.

Contact AIBT

Montague Sterling Centre, 2nd Floor
P. O. Box N-7880
Nassau, The Bahamas

T: (242) 393-5500

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